Please Drink Responsibly, Don't Drink and Drive.
RULES: Pony up to your computer, phone, or tablet. Start with the picture of Sam with Derek Jeter (that's a freebie).
The first person who names the celebrity with Sam gets to watch the others take a drink. The person(s) consuming the drink must yell "FEDELE" after each drink. If they don't yell "FEDELE" the person who named the celebrity can call them out, at which point they must take a second drink. Go through all the pictures until you come back to Derek Jeter again. Sam likes to play this with apple juice, try it.
The first person who names the celebrity with Sam gets to watch the others take a drink. The person(s) consuming the drink must yell "FEDELE" after each drink. If they don't yell "FEDELE" the person who named the celebrity can call them out, at which point they must take a second drink. Go through all the pictures until you come back to Derek Jeter again. Sam likes to play this with apple juice, try it.
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